Warning Signs Your Kidneys May Be in Danger:Urination Changes:
Frequent, reduced, or foamy urine.Fatigue: Anemia from kidney
issues causes weakness. Swelling: Fluid retention in legs, hands, face,
or abdomen. Back Pain: Pain below the ribcage may indicate kidney problems.
Weight Loss/Appetite Loss: Waste buildup affects appetite.Nausea/Vomiting:
Toxins in the blood cause discomfort.Sleep Problems: Cramps, restless legs,
and frequent urination disrupt sleep.Metallic Taste: Uremia leads to a bitter taste.
Muscle Cramps: Electrolyte imbalances cause cramping.Itchy Skin: Toxins trigger generalized
itching.Protect Your Kidneys:Stay hydrated, manage chronic conditions,
and avoid excess salt and painkillers.See a doctor for persistent symptoms—early treatment prevents further damage.