Elena Gouliakova, a celebrated Russian ice skater who once graced the ice with her performances and was part of the globally renowned Holiday On Ice, has reportedly been found living on the streets of Mexico.
This tragic turn of events has shocked many who remember her as a prominent figure in the skating world.
The revelation came from a Facebook user who claims to have been a student of Gouliakova.
They shared their concern after spotting her in an unexpected and heartbreaking situation.
Gouliakova first came to Mexico in 2001 alongside her then-husband, Nikolay Suetov.
Together, they started a new chapter as trainers at prestigious skating clubs in Monterrey, earning respect and admiration in the local skating community.
Former ice skating star Elena Gouliakova was found living on the streets of Mexico
One concerned individual shared a photo on social media, showing a woman believed to be Gouliakova, appearing homeless and far removed from her days of fame on the ice.
In a heartbreaking encounter, the woman denied her identity and claimed she worked at a clothing store instead.
“Walking through Morelos Passage, recognizing a face from my childhood, I decided to call out: Elena! Elena!… She looked me straight in the eyes and, resolutely, responded: ‘I don’t recognize you! I don’t recognize you! I’m a businesswoman! I work at Promoda!'” the user wrote, recalling the moment they saw her.