Parenting is challenging. Like, really difficult. Anyone who tells you otherwise either doesn’t have children or is romanticizing the past through nostalgia.
There is no manual on how to be a good parent, how to behave in specific circumstances, or how to handle children who are misbehaving or pushing the limits of what they are permitted to do.
Perhaps this ambiguity, more than the proper parenting approach, is what causes so much friction. It seems like finding places where individuals passionately argue about raising children is more and more commonplace online.

In any event, a mother who was observed dragging her son through an airport by a harness tied around the toddler’s chest found herself in the heart of a storm of controversy. The 2019 incident was caught on camera and posted to TikTok, where it generated a fervent discussion among internet users.
If you’re a parent, there’s a good chance that you’ve dealt with your fair share of circumstances where your child has tried your patience.